Here's an interesting new technique for those that enjoy experimenting with photography: time-slice photos.
The images below were taken by American photographer Richard Silver, who pointed his camera at New York architecture for an hour or two during sunset. The results are fascinating, and can be accomplished using very little equipment and post-production effort.
Step 1. Simply place your camera on a tripod or steady surface, aim it at your subject, and shoot multiple images during sunset or sunrise - the trick is to capture your photographs during changeable lighting conditions, otherwise you would spend hours shooting very similar lighting conditions.
Step 2. Choose how many photos you'd like to include in your time-slice, for example 20, and then work out how often you need to take a picture. You won't necessarily need an intervalometer controller, but a remote cable release (we have Jianisi remotes on special) and a watch would be very useful. You might need to experiment with exposure settings, but "Auto" should work well.
Step 3. The final step would be to combine all the images in one file in Photoshop (or similar software) and mask out each slice of time. Let us know in the comments if you'd like to know more - We can ask our Photoshop tutorial master, Manfred Werner, to explain the masking techniques in a short video clip.
Finally, have fun experimenting and be sure to let us know how it goes!

Photos shared under the Creative Commons license.